While celebrating 10 years it is essential to appreciate what distinguishes us: the innovative spirit of Imply®. We trust that to innovate is to turn new ideas into reality and make a difference. We believe in the power of change. So the more time passes, the more the future is present to Imply.
Since our founding in May 11th 2003, Imply has built the future every day. With the support of all who are part of this innovative path, today we celebrate a history of great achievements. From a rented room, Imply passed in 2010 to its modern and ecofriendly Technology Park in an area of ??180 thousand square meters (1,900 thousand square feet).
In 10 years, we create smart solutions and new formulas to adapt the future to the present. We are dedicated to the success of each client, building partnerships with pioneering attitudes, integrity and trust in a world that is constantly evolving. Integrated to the environment and attentive to the world market, we pursue excellence to bring benefits to the community and the world.
Today our technologies are present in the five continents, bringing information and entertainment to the four corners of the planet, with a catalog of over 65 products. The company was born global – the first invoice was issued to Spain – and since we have provided a bowling to the Palace of the King of Saudi Arabia, developed a technology to pacify the violence in Chile Stadiums – by identifying the fingerprints of fans – we provided the access system used in the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, created access to services for the population with self-service terminals (only in 2012, Imply Terminals for Minas Government registered more than 3.5 million visits), besides being modernizing the Brazilian stadiums for the 2014 World Cup.
With these successful cases, the last years were marked by the acknowledgment of Imply® with numerous awards that highlight our expertise and strategic vision – as the ADVB/RS 2012 Export Award. Another major achievement was the recent certification of ISO 9001, revealing our growth strategy based on best practices, combined with our talents and investments in qualifying the team.
The courage and boldness to seek new markets, ability to compete globally and spirit to develop innovative products and quality services are part of the trajectory of Imply to brave this path of entrepreneurship and success. According to the CEO Tironi Paz Ortiz, the secret of growth is to be attentive to the changes and needs of the market and be ready to accept challenges: “I believe that our willingness and ability to adapt and innovate has much to do with our overcoming”.
We take this special day to thank you for being part of this story. Congratulations!