Imply® Multikiosk terminals start operations in the Sao Paulo Metro

Imply® Multikiosk terminals start operations in the Sao Paulo Metro

The Sao Paulo subway carries an average of 4 million passengers a day, and is constantly seeking to offer the best services, with total security. In order to facilitate and optimize the purchase of the Unit Ticket, the Government of Sao Paulo authorized the bidding for Self-Service Terminals at the end of 2017. Imply® was the great winner of the project.
This year, 150 new Multikiosks® with Imply® technology will be implemented in Sao Paulo Metro in Lines 1, 2 and 3. The first batch, with 30 machines, was launched last Friday March 26, and is already in operation on Line 2. Imply® Solutions will streamline and broaden the range of purchase options offered to users. “The initiative offers one more possibility for the user to have speed when acquiring the ticket,” explains the Secretary of State for Metropolitan Transportation, Clodoaldo Pelissioni. “The equipment will be present in all stations of the Subway”.
Terminals accept payment for bills and coins as well as making exchanges when necessary. Another great innovation of Multikiosk® is its intelligent multi-language system, which serves the user in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Edmonson tickets, sold at Imply® Multikiosk Terminals feature safety features which makes it difficult to cheat or counterfeit.