Solution at Self-Service Terminals are the future of the market

Solution at Self-Service Terminals are the future of the market

According a new survey conducted in Brazil, more than 60% of Brazilian consumers intend to purchase through Self-Service Terminals in the next three years. The High-Tech Retail – Technology survey and the Brazilian Buying behavior point out that retail will undergo important changes with a strong trend towards technology implementation in the market, in different segments, channels and formats of points of sale, until the year of 2019. To assist in how the Self-Service Solution should be implemented correctly, the United States researchers Sheryl Kimes (Professor of Operations Management at Cornell University) and Joel Collier (Professor of Marketing at Mississippi State University) conducted an innovative research, with the aim of understanding why many managers still find it difficult to implement self-service solutions in their companies. After surveying the problems, the researchers found simple ways to perform the proper implementation:

– Provide human assistance: During the implementation period of the Solution, offer the clients a consultant to assist in the service. According to the survey, many consumers “are hesitant to use a new technology of self-service”, “are anxious about technology” and “expect that there will be some kind of ‘safety net’ if something goes wrong,” the researchers say.

– Self-service must be convenient: The terminal should be positioned in a place of easy access in the establishment, and be developed in an intuitive and easy to use, giving the feeling of safety to the consumer.

– Be fast: Self-service should be worth it for being faster than the conventional.

Be part of this innovation. Imply® Self-Service Kiosks are complete solutions to bring your business closer to your customers and bring your services closer to users. Imply® Terminals strengthen and broaden your relationship with customers, bringing comfort to the approach of services. Consultations are agile and can be performed at any time, including outside business hours. With the ease of self-service you reduce distances and ensure more convenience to the public. Take the opportunity to add value to your services with the Imply® Self-Service and Query Terminals.