Trensurb and TEU Ticket nnovate with Imply® Self-Service Technology in Porto Alegre

Trensurb and TEU Ticket nnovate with Imply® Self-Service Technology in Porto Alegre

Since last Friday, March 24, the Porto Alegre Market Station has the Imply® Consultation and Self-Service Terminal, with the purpose of optimizing and facilitating the service and purchase of tickets for metropolitan transportation. The pilot project was presented by Trensurb, TEU Ticket and City Hall of Porto Alegre, and was attended by Nelson Marchezan Júnior, Porto Alegre mayor; the CEO of Trensurb David Borille, CEO of Teu Ticket, Érico Michels, and Manager of Accesses and Ticketing at Imply, Alessandro Estrada.

Through the Imply® TCI Terminal, users have the agility and convenience to purchase tickets through credit or debit cards. After payment, the TCI provides the ticket with QR code technology. The user approaches the ticket to the reader of the exclusive turnstile, to access.

Trensurb CEO David Borille explains that the equipment is being tested for a technological update of the company’s ticketing, replacing the ards with the QR code tickets, more practical and economical. “It makes it easier for the user and also facilitates the work of our employees,” says Borille.