Imply® Consultation Terminals facilitate the sale of bus tickets
Several Bus Stations in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, including: Santo Ângelo, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria, Rio Grande, São Borja, Alegrete, São Leopoldo and Capão da Canoa (Las Ramblas/Praia de Atlântida) now have the Imply® Consultation Terminals (TCIs) to sell bus tickets to any city in the state. Through TCIs, users can easily purchase their tickets through debit and credit cards, or print tickets purchased over the internet.
According to Mr. Cesar Perrenoud – Manager of IT and Innovation in the Ouro e Prata Group, “the Self-Service Terminal, due to its mobility, allows its installation in easily accessible locations for large crowds such as universities, municipal agencies, etc. It also streamlines the service to users, eliminating the need to join queues to purchase a ticket or exchange the voucher. The Imply® Terminals meets the technical requirements of quality and functionality required for ticket sales. In addition to after-sales service, the dedication and professionalism of Imply® team at all times of the process were fundamental to the success of the project”.
Faced with the growing demand for public transportation in Brazil, Imply® Consultation Terminals, through its state-of-the-art technology, modernize travel-related services as they optimize processes and optimize time, and are considered efficient, useful and practical ticket sales channels.