Imply hosts the IV Workshop Generation Click

In order to promote and foster entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship through the educators of Santa Cruz do Sul and region, the NGO Focus Entrepreneur gathered Members of the  Regional Education Coordination on the morning of Wednesday, March 11th. The meeting, held in the Imply® Auditorium, met directors, coordinators, and teachers of public schools, promoting the 2015 Generation Click Project, in addition to having speakers participating in the project voluntarily.
Imply® supports the project to the entrepreneurial world, being aware of the importance of stimulating and expanding an entrepreneurial vision in the education of young people.
The NGO Entrepreneur Focus defines entrepreneurship as a process of innovation. According to Aurea Binz, President of the NGO, the movement is growing, and celebrating a new phase. Always in search of the union of young people and teachers in entrepreneurial language, this year, the Entrepreneur Focus seeks to bring together about 3,500 students for the Generation Click Project, which will take place at the Entrepreneur Week, on 12 and 13 May.