Imply® is honored with Rotary Commendation Distinction 2018

Imply® is honored with Rotary Commendation Distinction 2018

On Saturday (17), the Rotary Club Santa Cruz do Sul held the 27th edition of the Rotary Commendation Ball. In addition to being a moment of fraternization between the entity, community and companies, the event also aims to honor people, companies or entities that, throughout their trajectory, carry out actions that benefit the community.

And Imply®, for one more year, was among the honorees, receiving the 2018 Rotary Commendation Distinction. The trophy was enthusiastically received by the Administrative Director, Marcia Baumhardt, the Industrial Director, Sérgio Meinhardt and the Engineer Director and one of the founders of Imply®, Rolf Molz. The fundraising event will benefit social institutions with projects in the areas of culture and environment.