Imply® and Eleven Tickets® modernize Urcamp Bagé security

Imply® and Eleven Tickets® modernize Urcamp Bagé security

More safety at Urcamp Bagé!

Urcamp – University of the Region of Campaign, in its Campus located in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, now has a high technology solution to ensure greater security in access control to the institution.

The Imply® Platform and Eleven Tickets® is a modern and intelligent solution to facilitate access control and attendance management for students, classes, employees and teachers.

Users are registered in the system and, upon access, are identified by the system. There are several integrated validation technologies, such as biometrics, QR Code and Smartcard RFID.

By combining different technologies to identify users, the System can reliably manage access restrictions. Consequently blocking unauthorized or unidentified people from accessing it according to the most stringent security requirements.

The system can also perform attendance monitoring, making it easy to monitor frequency and fault rates accurately. In this way, it generates several graphs and reports. It offer real-time information of students, collaborators and teachers that are inside the institution. Providing, therefore, safer environments, aiming for greater satisfaction, tranquility and quality of life for all its public.