Imply® Group promotes meeting of international distributors

Imply® Group promotes meeting of international distributors

The Imply® Group gathered at its headquarters this Thursday and Friday, 10 and 11, some of its main international distributors. The event, which took place at the company’s Technology Park, aimed to discuss new strategies, further strengthen the partnership between companies and expand exports from Santa Cruz do Sul to the five continents of the world.

The meeting was attended by businessmen from the United States, Ecuador, France, Netherlands, England, Mexico and Sweden. According to the group’s CEO, Tironi Ortiz, currently the technology developed and manufactured in Santa Cruz do Sul is present in more than 125 countries, spread across five continents. “Since its beginning, Imply® has been a holding with a global presence. Our first sale was to a customer from Spain. In the future, we want to expand exports and international operations even further,” he said.

On schedule, workshops, factory visits and strategic meetings were held. The Mexican, Alberto Diaz, showed enthusiasm with the event. “It was excellent to receive all this knowledge about the industry,” said the entrepreneur. In addition, the participants were able to visit the city and get to know the typical German culture in Oktoberfest. “This is a time to celebrate with those who help bring the technologies developed here in Santa Cruz do Sul, to the most different places in the world,” said the president.