Safe Highways with Imply® Variable Message Sign Trailers

Safe Highways with Imply® Variable Message Sign Trailers

The use of Variable Message Signs has been growing, as they play a crucial role in improving safety on modern highways.

The EcoRodovias Group has stood out for its continuous commitment to ensuring the safety of road users. Aware of the importance of efficient signaling, the company has directed its efforts to improve the experience of drivers through the use of the advanced technology of Imply® Variable Message Sign Trailers.

With this innovative approach, the concessionaire reinforces its commitment to providing safer and more peaceful trips to users. This time, the Imply® Variable Message Sign Trailers will guarantee the safety of the Econoroeste Paulista roads in Brazil.

Imply® Variable Message Panels

The Imply® VMSs represent a modern and dynamic approach to road signs. These devices are made up of LED panels with high luminosity, ensuring that messages are viewed from a great distance.

Likewise, the Imply® VMSs have solar energy panels, and are easily moved with their trailer platform.

The Imply® VMSs update system guarantees the real-time change of messages. In addition, they are equipped with GPS, which makes it easy to locate them along the road.

Therefore, adequate signaling on highways is essential to ensure the safety of all users. Variable Message Signs (VMSs) add a dynamic and interactive component to signage, making roads safer and more efficient.

Therefore, investing in smart signage and modern technologies such as VMSs is an essential step towards improving the driving experience.

Use VMSs to Communicate Effectively

Adaptation to Changing Conditions: They can warn of accidents, congestion, roadworks and other unexpected situations, allowing drivers to make more informed decisions.

Safety Alert: The VMSs issue alerts to encourage the use of seat belts, avoid using cell phones while driving, warn of the presence of pedestrians or cyclists near the road.

Weather Information: Provides updates on adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain, allowing drivers to adequately prepare for these situations.

Efficient Routing: VMSs inform about alternative routes in the event of traffic jams or road works, thus preventing drivers from being stopped in long traffic jams.

Service Information: These panels also provide information on the location of gas stations, rest areas, nearby events, and other amenities.

Ensure road safety by investing in dynamic signaling such as Imply® VMSs. Invest in the future of road safety and adopt dynamic signaling technology to ensure the protection of everyone who uses the country’s highways. Get in touch with our team and learn more.