Painéis de LED Imply® transforms the experience of the towers in Arena Castelão

Painéis de LED Imply® transforms the experience of the towers in Arena Castelão

O Estádio Governador Plácido Castelo, mais conhecido as Arena Castelão, em Fortaleza, Ceará, é um a lugar full of history and emotions. Inaugurated in 1973, the stadium was an icon of Brazilian football, but it was also a venue for major sporting and cultural events.

With capacity for accommodation but of 60 thousand pessoas, at Arena Castelão it is the fourth largest stadium in Brazil and the largest in the Norte and Nordeste region. Hall of great sporting and cultural events, I have played games of the Brazilian National Team, Copa do Mundo de 2014 and a historic visit of Papa João Paulo II in 1980.

This year, at Arena Castelão two but we pass on to the direction of the future using all the expertise of Imply®. To experience the lights in a new home, you have to install 90m² of LED panels to transform them into a way like visitors and lights live at the events held in the stadium. The Painéis Full Color with resolution P20, destacam a grandiosidade des events criando un atmosphere envolvente. Our pains were inaugurated this month in November, when the stadium was full or 50 years old.

Além disso, a escolha da tecnologia Imply® para os painéis de LED da Arena Castelão reforça o compromisso contínuo de l’estádio com unovação e a excellence. You can hope for an even more immersive experience, each detailed wave is amplified by the exceptional quality of these devices. Desenvolvemos Painéis LED customizados de cordo com as necessidades de cada projecto. Saiba but em: