Caminhos da Serra Gaúcha Concessionaire Improves Safety with Imply® VMS’s

Caminhos da Serra Gaúcha Concessionaire Improves Safety with Imply® VMS’s

Concessionaire Caminhos da Serra Gaúcha, responsible for managing six important highways in the Serra and Vale do Caí region, in southern Brazil, is in full swing with its project to improve road safety. The 271.54 kilometers of extension under its concession will be graced with the installation of Fixed Variable Message Signs (VMS), equipped with advanced Imply® technology.

During the first year of the concession, the team’s main focus is to identify critical points along the highways and direct investments to reinforce safety. The executive director, Paulo Negreiros, highlights that “at this stage, we are intensifying signage in order to ensure the protection of drivers.”

In this context, the use of Fixed Variable Message Signs plays a fundamental role in achieving this priority objective. This equipment effectively optimizes communication with drivers, providing crucial alerts and guidance for those traveling on the highways.

It is undeniable that the incorporation of Fixed Variable Message Signs contributes significantly to raising the level of road safety. Administrators have the ability to update information about traffic conditions in real time, which results in accident prevention.

With the installation of fixed VMS’s along the highway, the messages transmitted will guarantee exceptional quality, thanks to RGB LED technology. This translates into greater clarity in reading and displaying dynamic messages, images and videos, enabling the dealership to disseminate important information and optimize communication with drivers.

Likewise, Imply® Panels have an exclusive brightness sensor that controls brightness to avoid glare, in addition to ensuring reduced energy consumption. Furthermore, the Fixed VMS’s are designed to operate 24 hours a day and offers resistance to vibration and the most severe weather conditions, pollution, temperature variations and relative humidity.

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