Imply and Unisc sign agreement to implement the Imply Health Platform

Imply and Unisc sign agreement to implement the Imply Health Platform

The University of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc) and the Imply Group signed, on the morning of this Friday, 22, a term of cooperation for the implementation of the Imply Health Platform at the University. The purpose of the agreement is to provide greater security to the lives of Unisc employees and students.
The innovative Imply Health Platform aims to promote the prevention of Covid-19. In this sense, it makes it possible to create an information network, with reliable data in real time that optimizes the temperature control of people, as well as access and capacity of environments. In addition, technology prioritizes the privacy of all users. “Unisc takes an important step towards decision making in a situation as delicate as this,” said Imply president Tironi Paz Ortiz.
The platform will be implemented, meeting the requirements of public decrees and prevention measures established by the authorities to reduce transmissions. “For Unisc, it is a great pleasure to be able to strengthen this partnership at a time like this. As soon as the decrees allow, we will be organizing the gradual resumption of presential activities with several initiatives, such as this innovative technological tool, to promote greater security for the life of our community ”, commented the Unisc dean, Carmen Lúcia de Lima Helfer.