Imply® Bowling in Israel: An Unmissable Experience at DCity

Imply® Bowling in Israel: An Unmissable Experience at DCity

Israel’s largest and most sophisticated shopping mall offers great fun for visitors with Imply® Bowling Lanes. DCity (Design City) is located in Ma’ale Adumim, in the Jerusalem metropolitan area. One of the entertainment highlights is the six Imply® Bowling Lanes installed at the site.

The complex is a commercial landmark, housing around 200 stores and attracting 27,000 visitors per day. More than 1 billion Israeli shekels were invested in DCity, amounting to USD 270 million. The shopping mall spans over 150,000 square meters and was designed by architect Gadi Halperin.

Such an impressive and technologically advanced complex naturally requires the best in terms of quality. Therefore, Imply® was chosen to install one of the main entertainment options at DB City (DCity Bowling and Billiards Arena): Bowling. “The team is amazing, and the product is excellent. Everything is perfect, with cutting-edge technology. I am very pleased. The experience was just perfect,” says Tom Mor, owner of DB City.

In the complex, locals and tourists can find fine dining restaurants, leisure activities, live music, and plenty of entertainment. The business also features a luxury hotel, an indoor artificial sky, and a plaza that replicates the famous Venetian Resort in Las Vegas. With a focus on the interior design industry, the complex hosts some of the world’s biggest brands.

Bowling, in this context, perfectly complements the offered activities as a high-quality and technological leisure option. For the business, it presents a unique income opportunity: the bowling market generates more than USD 11 billion annually worldwide. Fun for customers and profit for the business: the perfect combination is guaranteed with Imply® products.

Imply® Bowling: Cutting-Edge Technology for Your Business

Bowling combines all the expected technology and fun in an attractive space like DCity. Imply® products are produced with cutting-edge technology and quality, ensuring durability and resilience. Imply® Bowling Lanes offer a unique show and captivate the eye. The colorful lighting catches the attention of all ages, and the intuitive use ensures that children and adults can have fun effortlessly.

With bold design and fully customizable projects, Imply® Lanes reflect the company’s more than two decades of experience in the global market. Imply® provides clients with the most technological innovations on the market and guarantees product excellence, along with all necessary support at every stage of the process – from design to installation, training, and consulting.

Thinking about expanding or creating your business with Bowling? Count on us to plan your personalized space! Get in touch.

Learn more about the business steps: Complete Guide: How to Start a Bowling Alley Business | Imply® Technology

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