Imply® Management System Optimizes Service at Central Driver Education Center

Imply® Management System Optimizes Service at Central Driver Education Center

Service at Central Driver Education Center in Venâncio Aires, Brazil, now benefits from the optimization provided by the Imply® Queue Management System. With the installation of this solution, queue control has become automated and personalized, ensuring customer satisfaction at the unit.

In addition to service optimization, leaving paper tickets in the past, the system is a powerful tool: assists in strategic decision-making through graphs, reports, and statistics available from the services. This allows the company to identify necessary adjustments in internal processes and monitor operational performance.

For customers, satisfaction is guaranteed. The system provides more order, speed, and efficiency in services, with users choosing the service they need from the options and automatically retrieving their ticket at the Self-service Kiosks for Check-in. The equipment can be configured to issue tickets with either a number or the customer’s name.

The system itself manages queues for various service characteristics, such as priority services or by topics chosen by the institution. Additionally, information on the ticket can be personalized with the company name, logo, text, service, number, date, time, and estimated wait time.

In both models—number or name—the customer is called via the LCD display and by audio, ensuring easy understanding and time optimization. One of the main advantages for both the company and the customers is the reduction in wait times and shorter queues, as the system is intuitive and quick to use.

The solution is also easy for employees to use. In the intuitive interface, attendants can view the average wait time and the number of people in the queues. They can call the next service, repeat a call, start, or finish a service with just one click. Thus, the system enables high productivity and work efficiency, optimizing human resources and improving service quality.

Imply® Queue Management System Guarantees Good Results

The success of a business is directly linked to customer service—and that’s why the Imply® Queue Management System becomes indispensable. The product is fully customizable, ensuring your visual identity is preserved. The equipment has a modern and efficient design, in addition to being produced with the most advanced technologies on the market.

With this solution, Imply® offers:

• Self-Service Kiosks for Check-in;
• Queue management system;
• Appointment and service scheduling system;
• Monitoring of service performance across multiple units;
• Digital Signage;
• Business Intelligence;
• CRM;
• Alert System;
• And much more.

The Imply® management system can help your business! Contact us to learn more:

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