Oktoberfests 2023: Tradition and technology united for memorable experiences

Oktoberfests 2023: Tradition and technology united for memorable experiences

Oktoberfest, a celebration of German culture that won Brazilian hearts, and this year brought, in addition to its traditions, a lot of technology. Three cities – Blumenau, Santa Cruz do Sul and Itapiranga – had events focused on German culture in October and brought innovations to visitors, thanks to integrated technologies for purchasing tickets, access control, cashless consumption and support teams . The audience for the three events totaled more than 900 thousand people, and we provided more than 800 professionals.

The Oktoberfests offered unparalleled experiences, full of dance, music and typical German cuisine. In Blumenau, the event had 454,340 visitors and a record profit in its history reaching R$7.5 million, according to the event organizers. Once again, ElevenTickets Imply, a company specialized in technological solutions for entertainment and events, was available to managers and visitors.

“The use of cashless has been growing at events, because it facilitates all financial management, combining cutting-edge technology and high quality. Furthermore, it allows managers to monitor, for example, real-time information on how many liters of beer are consumed per hour of the event. event. And for the visitor, the card becomes a souvenir, a beautiful memory of the festivities”, declared Leandro Dhiel, Commercial Executive at Imply.

Imply ElevenTickets technology and services platform has been customized to take every Oktoberfest to a new level. We allow visitors to purchase tickets quickly and conveniently through various sales channels, ensuring efficiency and peace of mind for those who participated in the celebration. One of this year’s highlights was the cashless payment system, which makes food and beverage transactions more agile and efficient. With it, we reduce queues and facilitate financial management.

Access control has also been improved, with ultra-fast validation to provide more efficient entry to events. “We are proud to be in this partnership again. Our focus is to offer agility, ease and safety for everyone who attends the event. Our technological solutions provide unique experiences for visitors, as well as ease of management. For all these reasons, we are the choice for major events, premium attractions, as well as the biggest stadiums and soccer clubs in Brazil”, highlighted the CEO of Imply, Tironi Paz Ortiz.

Furthermore, real-time management was fundamental to the success of operations, allowing constant monitoring and immediate resolution of any problems. In Santa Cruz do Sul, the event reached an audience of 400 thousand visitors. According to Ricardo Bartz, President of the Association of Business Entities of Santa Cruz do Sul (Assemp), “Counting on Imply and bringing innovation is fundamental, we facilitate cashless consumption and improve the experience of everyone who visited our party. This way we evolve and cultivate our tradition.”

Technologies at each event

To ensure a truly exceptional experience at each of the Oktoberfests, provide convenient experiences for visitors and ensure the efficiency of operations in Blumenau, Santa Cruz do Sul and Itapiranga, Imply ElevenTickets offered a variety of customized solutions: cross-channel ticket sales, fast and efficient access control, cashless payment platform for food and beverage consumption, support from specialized teams for high-quality assisted operation and complete management with dashboards, reports and real-time monitoring.
With a carefully adapted combination of technologies and services, ElevenTickets Imply ensures that each Oktoberfest is a memorable celebration, uniting the tradition of German culture with completely Brazilian technological innovation.

Oktoberfest Blumenau

City: Blumenau/SC
Dates: 4 to 29/10
Audience: 454,340 Visitors
ElevenTickets – Ticket sales across multiple channels
ElevenAccess – Access control for high public flow with ultra-fast validation
ElevenStaff – More than 400 professionals for assisted operation
Management – Dashboards, Reports, Graphs & Real-time monitoring via the internet and financial management.


Oktoberfest Santa Cruz do Sul

City: Santa Cruz do Sul/RS
Dates: 5 to 22/10
Audience: 400,000 Visitors
ElevenTickets – Ticket sales across multiple channels
ElevenAccess – Access control for high public flow with ultra-fast validation
ElevenCash – Cashless payments for food and beverage consumption
ElevenStaff – More than 300 professionals for assisted operation
Management – Dashboards, Reports, Graphs & Real-time monitoring via the internet and financial management.


Oktoberfest Itapiranga

City: Itapiranga/SC
Dates: 13 to 15/10
Audience: 10.176 Visitors
ElevenTickets – Ticket sales across multiple channels
ElevenAccess – Access control for high public flow with ultra-fast validation
ElevenCash – Cashless payments for food and beverage consumption
ElevenStaff – More than 100 professionals for assisted operation
Management – Dashboards, Reports, Graphs & Real-time monitoring via the internet and financial management.
