Access Control for People and Vehicles

Fast and secure Access Control for people and vehicles.

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Count on the best access control solution for people and vehicles, with solid and technological equipment designed to meet your demand:

Control access of people and vehicles in several places in a centralized way;

Control accesses for people with high flow: several models of electronic turnstiles, app, mobile devices, free flow accesses and building accesses;

Control vehicle access: manage parking lots with automated gates;

Several innovative technologies for validating users with ultra-fast check-in: Validation by Barcode, Smartcard RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, Biometrics and Facial Recognition;

Innovative accreditation solutions with self-registration;

And more!

Our portfolio of solutions is wide and, without a doubt, we have the ideal solution to modernize and meet the specific needs of your project.

Fast and secure access control for people and vehicles

We design integrated management of each access point with the highest security through intelligent, flexible and efficient control, ideal for events, attractions, organizations, restricted areas and places with a high flow of people, guaranteeing:

Combinations of different technologies for identifying users with strict security requirements;

Management of access authorizations with restrictions and permissions for different user profiles, automatically blocking access of unauthorized or unidentified users;

Access rules can include restrictions and permissions for: single access, limit on the number of accesses for each user or location, period of authorized access, authorized ports, option of requiring biometric validation or checking documents, among others;

Control access in several buildings, sectors and areas in different locations, centrally. Flexible for all environments and situations;

High flow of accesses per minute with high speed of information transmission;

High accuracy and reliability in intelligent access control, as our system has memory for offline operation and is capable of operating even when network connectivity momentarily fails;

Increase security and reduce risk with alerts for unauthorized access attempts or specific accesses;

All system requests are encrypted with various anti-fraud tracking features.

Count on our custom solutions to efficiently protect people, assets, physical facilities, information and operations.

People Access Control

Our equipment is super modern and meets the specific needs of each project, including:

App: Mobile access control;

✔ High Quality Turnstiles: A wide range of models;

Facial ValidatorAccess control with facial recognition;

✔ Modern Containers: Maximum flexibility for access control in different locations and events;

ElevenFlow: Solution for Free Flow with contactless passage  and barrier-free, for greater convenience and speed in access flow.

Doors: Validators and sensors can be installed in various types of doors;

Vehicle and Parking Access Control

Intelligent and reliable parking management solutions:

✔ Automated gates: Several models, with straight or articulated arm, camera for recording vehicle images, anti-crushing mechanism, quiet operation and low power consumption.

✔ Entry and Exit Control: Perform the detection of vehicles and validation of parking entry or exit.

Management platform that facilitates charging for a fixed or variable amount for periods of time (hours and days).

Access Validation Technologies

We offer the highest validation technologies integrated, in an unified platform. Discover the options:




1D/2D Barcode Reader;

Smartcard RFID reader;

Facial recognition;


High Durability

Equipment developed with the best materials, designed to operate 24 hours a day. Manufactured with structures of high resistance, which guarantees the best finish, with excellent visual results.


We offer two user accreditation options in the system, bringing even more convenience:

✔ On-site Accreditation: Stations for user accreditation allow the registration of photos, personal data and access permission rules;

✔ Fast Accreditation: Streamlines and optimizes processes, in addition to reducing operating time and costs. It is possible to specify access permission rules and manage user self-registration in an agile, safe and efficient way.

Customize the communication

Our solutions allow to customize interaction communications with the user, displaying customizable images, advertising, welcome messages with the person’s name, among others, customizable according to your preferences.

What solution can we create for you?

Our solutions are customized and developed to meet the unique needs of your project.

With us, you will have a professional team that works with you every step of the way. Through our experienced consulting, we will create the ideal solution to optimize your operations and performance.

We offer training, consulting and we are available to help with more complex queries and create the innovations you need.

With creative ideas, reliable technologies and business models that adapt to your needs, we will develop a project especially for your needs. Contact us!

Success Cases

“Imply® is a great partner of Club Athletico Paranaense and has been with us for a long time in Ticketing and Access Control with innovation. We are grateful for this partnership!” Mr. Fernando Volpato, COO of Club Athletico Paranaense

“I always think about the fans’ comfort and convenience, which is why Arena MRV has the ambition of being the most modern in Latin America. The partnership with IMPLY® is the certainty that we are offering what is most modern in the access control market for our fans.” Mr. Leandro Evangelista, CIO at Arena MRV

“IMPLY® solution provided total mastery in ticketing and access, security and integration of other businesses in our arena. With a modern and versatile platform, we can manage tickets, guarantee information security, offer customers convenience and reduce costs with integrated systems. I highlight the professionalism, transparency, security, versatility and commitment of IMPLY® team.” Mr. Alexandre Gonzaga, President at Arena Pernambuco

“I highlight the availability, the desire to work together and bring solutions. This is important and offers us greater comfort. IMPLY® is a partner that is very open to understanding day-to-day difficulties, and gives us the support we need, bringing innovation, new experiences and creating new facilities. I am very pleased, and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.” Mr. Mauro Araújo, President at Arena do Grêmio

“The main factor to highlight at IMPLY® is always being ready for any challenge. We have been working with IMPLY® since 2012 at Arena Fonte Nova, Arena Dunas and Arena do Grêmio. For every demand and change that arises, we always have IMPLY® as a partner, regardless of the scenario.” Mr. Paulo Rossi, Director of Operations at Arena do Grêmio

“The Ticketing System integrated with Access Control brings reliability to the control as a whole. We have several online reports for the development of indicators, with ease of use and access to data, even on cell phones. Reports provide all necessary data and can be customized. The System is integrated with our ERP, and the entire solution is integrated – member management, ticketing and access control – on the same platform. In addition, the platform is integrated between Brio and Sport Club Internacional, allowing more convenience for fans and ease of management. I also highlight the technical support on game days.” Mr. Paulo Pinheiro, CEO at Holding Beira-Rio

“The advantages of IMPLY® Technology are many. We highlight the possibility of reducing costs, flexibility in adopting software and hardware modules, agility in face-to-face and remote assistance with highly qualified technicians, access to technology that has been widely tested in several stadiums in Brazil and the commitment to its customers. We chose IMPLY® for its recognized experience in World Cup stadiums, enabling complex operations in a very safe way.” Mr. Alexandre Melo, IT Coordinator at Arena das Dunas

“IMPLY® delivered a perfect operation. We are grateful for the excellence of IMPLY®, which plays an important role in the results achieved!” Mr. Guilherme Guenther, Administrative and Financial Director at Oktoberfest in Blumenau

“Imply® provides us with a set of essential solutions for our event, including ticket sales, access control, cashless, and dedicated operation teams. The practicality of the management tools is a key differentiator, allowing real-time access to strategic information for management. I thank Imply® for the solid partnership and congratulate the team for their excellence in delivery.” Ricardo Bartz, President at Assemp and Oktoberfest Santa Cruz do Sul

“We have been working with IMPLY® for several years and we are very satisfied with the automation, customer service, differentiated products and services. Choosing a partner is critical to the success of the project. I highlight innovation, quality and professionalism, as well as technical support and respect for agreed deadlines.” Mrs. Viviane Berner, IT Coordinator at Univates

“Santa Casa de Porto Alegre brings together 8 hospitals that operate 24 hours a day. The parking modernization project was born in response to the challenge of ensuring the best experience for our users. The changes have been huge. Robust integrations were carried out with our governance system, facilitating administrative and financial processes. The partnership with IMPLY® is excellent and meets our objectives, with quick service to solve our needs and technical competence to facilitate our management.” Mr. Marcos Leandro Pereira, Project Manager at Santa Casa de Porto Alegre

“The realization of this project with IMPLY® added significantly to our new security plan and modernization of our infrastructure”. Mr. Emerson Rosa, Director at Facem

“With IMPLY®, we transformed the West Pará State Arena into a technological and quality sports venue, with excellent conditions for well-being and safety, guaranteeing great experiences for the entire population”. Mr. Claudio Fernando de Souza Santos, Security Director at Pará Football Federation

“Our goal was to autonomously and efficiently control customer access at Sesc-RS units, restricting it only to authorized individuals, increasing security, and managing traffic flow in our gyms, swimming pools, and other facilities. What impressed us most about Imply® was the agility in service and the technical capability to meet the specific needs of customers. At Sesc-RS, for example, we adjusted the sensitivity of biometric reading to better serve our public. We highlight as a key differentiator the biometric access control with centralized cloud storage, enabling network operation and allowing users to access other units without needing to register again. With the implementation of access controllers, we achieved greater agility and security.” Douglas Marcelo Dornelles da Silva, Systems and Projects Coordinator at SESC


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