Usina do LED installs Imply® Displays for advertising in Brazil

Usina do LED installs Imply® Displays for advertising in Brazil

Seven new units of the Imply® Full Color LED Displays are part of Usina do LED’s expansion in Rio Grande do Sul, a state in southern Brazil. The company specializes in visual advertising and has expanded its presence in seven cities using Imply® Displays. The equipment was installed in strategic locations, bringing high visual impact to hundreds of residents in Rio Grande do Sul every day.

The Full Color LED Displays were installed in the cities of Bento Gonçalves, Esteio, Lajeado, Novo Hamburgo, Santa Cruz do Sul, São Leopoldo, and Sapiranga. “We chose Imply® because it is a highly regarded company. Imply® is a reference both in Brazil and abroad. Everything Imply® does is truly with great excellence. What impressed me the most is the professionalism, the technology, the well-organized processes, and the product quality. In all the cities where we operate, the Displays are very advanced with a perfect image,” emphasizes Usina do LED’s CEO, Humberto Costa.

Imply® equipment is made with high-quality, durable materials, waterproof, and equipped with anti-vandalism systems. The units offer high visual impact with excellent image quality and over 280 trillion colors, enhancing the audience experience. The Full Color Displays use green technology, with low-consumption LEDs. Even so, they have a high-brightness system, making the information easy to understand even from a distance and in bright spaces.

Imply® Full Color LED Display: impact and efficiency

The Imply® Full Color LED Displays offer many features to keep the public engaged with communications:

  • Presents close-ups and crisp scenes with rich detail.
  • Simultaneous broadcasting: shows live images with precision, replays, slow-motion scenes, among others.
  • Dynamic information with instant text generation.
  • Advertising and commercial ad broadcasting.
  • Clock and stopwatch functions.
  • Displays a variety of images, photos, videos, and animations in high resolution.

The Full Color models are robust, stable, and resistant. The displays are developed with the best materials on the market, manufactured with high-resistance structures and excellent finishes, offering high durability and low maintenance.

Imply®’s portfolio includes a wide variety of indoor and outdoor equipment, with various models and resolutions ranging from P4 to P16. The P4 display, for example, has 4-millimeter pixels, with higher definition for proximity to the audience (ideal visibility from 4 meters); meanwhile, the P16 display has 16-millimeter pixels for viewing at greater distances (ideal visibility from 11 meters).

Each project is individually designed, considering the client’s desires and needs. The Imply® team of specialists is involved in every stage of the project: from technical design, support structures, update software, installation, and maintenance. The units are integrated with the SuperMídia system, allowing for remote real-time updates, as well as full control over the media displayed.

Want to know how your brand can benefit from a Full Color Display? Learn more: