Imply® announces expansion

Imply® announces expansion

Before closing 2018, Imply® shows signs that 2019 will begin with the certainty of large projects. This is because the technology company, headquartered in Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil, announced on Friday, December 21, the investment of about R$ 20 million in expansion.

The news was revealed during a press conference at the Santa Cruz do Sul City Hall, by the company’s CEO, Mr. Tironi Paz Ortiz. With the purchase of about 3 hectares located next to the current Imply® Technology Park, the company projects its structure expansion, continuing the innovation process. The project will be prepared in the course of 2019, and works are expected to start until 2020.

In addition to the investment, Ortiz also announced a proposal to revitalize the access to Santa Cruz do Sul, located on BR-471 road, next to the Imply® Technology Park.

The news was enthusiastically received by the mayor of the municipality, Mr. Telmo Kirst and other authorities present at the event. Kirst praised the importance of Imply® for the city of Santa Cruz do Sul. “Imply is the company that most projects Santa Cruz to the world,” said the mayor.

The Municipal Secretary for Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, César Cechinato, pointed out that “Imply is a great example of 4.0 industry, focused on technology and innovation”.